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When to Baby Proof the Home

Gil Redden, Baby Proofer

First time parents have so many decisions to make, big and small. Should we use cloth or disposable diapers? Should we get on the daycare wait lists months in advance? Should one parent stay home? Should the parents split the parental leave? The decisions can seem endless.

As with pregnancy and parenthood the whole way along, what suits your family is really key.

There are many sources that dictate the when’s and how to’s with all things parental.

One thing that seems universal is baby proofing the home.

Here are some considerations as to when and how to baby proof the home:

Typical Baby Proofing To-Do List

Steps typically involved in baby proofing may include:

Installing safety gates (if you have stairs, indoors or out)

Securing furniture to walls

Locking cupboard doors/drawers

Putting on outlet covers

Installing or attaching Edge/corner cushions

Securing Windows.

Option 1: Baby Proofing Before Baby Arrives

If it’s possible for you to get a good jump start and baby proof before baby arrives, this can be a great approach. You’ll probably have your hands literally pretty full when baby is here. Many sources recommend around three months before the due date. That sounds reasonable to us, too much before that seems too far in advance. Maybe a grandad could be enlisted or a baby proofing company can help spread the baby proofing workload around.

Not everyone has the time or mental bandwidth during the last trimester of pregnancy to take this on. Or the preference to live with baby proofing gear around before the baby arrives and then begins to crawl. And that is just fine!

Many new parents are too busy with working, sometimes a home move is happening or preparing for the baby in many ways can be time consuming. Pregnancy can be exhausting and it may not be the priority now to be taking action around something that will be happening in 9 months or more – aka a crawling babe.

Generally babies start to crawl around 6 – 10 months old.

Option 2: Baby Proofing when Baby is Here

Sometimes after baby is born and/or is around 6-10 months old, parents can have a bit more time and energy (or not). It also can be a bit easier to mentally wrap your head around baby proofing once a baby is in the house. When baby is beginning to be mobile, it may be easier for you to figure out the baby proofing that will work best in your home specifically.

Option 3: Staged Approach to Baby Proofing (and to Life!)

The choice of when to baby proof the home is personal. The process can be taken in a staged approach. Maybe in the last trimester of the pregnancy the mental task of researching and deciding what products to buy as well as whether to hire and who to hire to do the installing would not be too taxing. Then at a later point, the products could be purchased or the baby proofing company could be booked. And then finally, the products can be installed at a further point in time.

Need Help? Vancouver Baby Proofers

We wish you boundless joy and delight with your new little person! No matter what stage you are at with your babe, we would love to hear from you! Please contact us for a free estimate.

We would be thrilled and honoured to help you along this beautiful, and sometimes challenging, part of life. Give us a call at 604 812 1899 or email

We are a baby proofing company in Vancouver, BC servicing the entire Lower Mainland. We are fully insured and registered with One Stop BC.

We also score 5 out of 5 via 6 reviews on Facebook.


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